Sweden to foster economic ties with Rwanda

Trade between Rwanda and Sweden could be fast-tracked following a visit by the Swedish Finance Minister Anders Borg, said Maria Hakansson, chargé d'affaires at Swedish Embassy in Kigali.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Trade between Rwanda and Sweden could be fast-tracked following a visit by the Swedish Finance Minister Anders Borg, said Maria Hakansson, chargé d'affaires at Swedish Embassy in Kigali.

Anders Borg is in Rwanda as part of his regional economic tour to assess economic development, market potentials, investment opportunities, and discuss various mechanisms on how to attract more Swedish investors to the country.

"There are lots of economic and geographical similarities coupled with investment opportunities that, once exploited, could trigger economic development and sustainability between Rwanda and Sweden," Hakansson told The New Times. "These and ways especially on how to scale up Swedish investments  in Rwanda are some of those critical things that will be discussed during the meeting."