Price hikes cut across, it’s not only foodstuffs

Editor, Refer to the story “Why food prices are going up” published last week. Food prices are increasing because of many factors. Besides, it is a ‘normal’ phenomenon for foodstuff prices to increase. 

Monday, February 24, 2014


Refer to the story "Why food prices are going up” published last week. Food prices are increasing because of many factors. Besides, it is a ‘normal’ phenomenon for foodstuff prices to increase. 

The same phenomenon is happening in Yaounde, Cameroun. One of the factors responsible for foodstuff price increases in the country could be climate change. Prolonged dry spells severely affect harvests, causing food shortages.

Secondly, factors of demand and supply play a big part in as far as price setting in concerned. The increasing population of Kigali is also creating huge demand for foodstuffs in general. Thirdly, we are in a free market economy, whereby it will be extremely difficult for regulatory authorities to control food prices when the demand is high. Farmers would rather hoard and sell the produce secretly. 

It would be interesting if we got a detailed picture about the soaring food prices.

James Munanura, University of Rwanda



Those who are arguing that foodstuff prices have not increased are not being realistic. It is not only food, but literally everything. For instance, one can leave home in the morning only to return in the evening and discover that the landlord has increased rent without notice. You go to a shop and are surprised that an item that you bought at, say Rwf1,000, has gone up by Rwf100 a few days later. Traders claim that they get merchandise at high rates and so they have to increase to stay in business. 

The situation is getting complicated and causing social problems. What we need is something to eat, money to support our children’s education and the essential basics to lead comfortable lives. 

All people need is something to eat at a reasonable price. The concerned authorities should work together and address these issues.

Eddy, Kigali