Is there a way I can get a boy?

Dear Doctor; I am a 35 year old man, I have three children from two women and all of them are girls. My plan was to have only two children, a boy and a girl but it has now gone down the drain. Is there any way apart from prayers that I can employ to get a boy?

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Dear Doctor;

I am a 35 year old man, I have three children from two women and all of them are girls. My plan was to have only two children, a boy and a girl but it has now gone down the drain. Is there any way apart from prayers that I can employ to get a boy?

Dear Friend;

It is strange to see somebody craving for a boy in a world where girls have proven to be as efficient as boys in all fields and even more caring for parents. But certain techniques can help you in producing a boy.

Y chromosomes of sperms which result in a male baby after fertilisation  are said to move faster and die faster as compared to X chromosomes.

Therefore, it is advisable that if one desires a boy, intercourse should be done the night prior to ovulation or on the day of ovulation. These days can be determined by recording basal body temperature of a woman or by ultrasonography.

One should avoid intercourse at least five to six days prior to this. The woman should achieve orgasm to ensure that the sperm reaches the ovum for fertilisation to occur.

Then there are various indigenous measures prevalent in every community regarding diet, sexual practices, e.t.c. which claim to help in one getting a baby boy.