Brotherly Love

In Kimironko live two brothers. Their names are John, 28, and Hakim, 12. They have sisters too but these two brothers stick with each other no matter what.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

In Kimironko live two brothers. Their names are John, 28, and Hakim, 12. They have sisters too but these two brothers stick with each other no matter what.

Sometimes when they are at home, these brothers tend to clash and pick on each other.

This is common with other children too. At the same time, it does not mean that they hate each other because they do not agree on something.

Since children are brought up to listen to those older than they are, disobeying what they are told to do is not always good.

Usually the big brother will guide the younger one to do the right thing because they have learnt a lot through their life experiences.

No big brother will do something to hurt his young brother because he loves him. They may not say so but deep down he is filled with brotherly love for his little brother.

When something is wrong, we call our big brothers to help us. When we are scared, we run to our big brothers so that we stay around them.

When we do not understand our homework, we ask our big brothers to help us. Even when we are confused about a certain decision, we ask our big brothers to help us.

This means that even though John and Hakim will at times clash, they will always stick together no matter what. This is what is called brotherly love!
