The lazy hyena

In a far away village of Gisozi, there existed a kingdom called Kazi. Many animals lived in that kingdom and their king was Mr. Lion.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

In a far away village of Gisozi, there existed a kingdom called Kazi. Many animals lived in that kingdom and their king was Mr. Lion.

Although a number of animals including frogs, cows and cats lived in there, the biggest family was that of Mr. Hyena.

Mr. Lion always advised the animals to work hard so that they could have enough food for times when food became scarce. As a result, many animals worked very hard on the huge fields.

Unfortunately, Mr. Hyena was always lazy and refused to work during the hard times of labour.

One sunny afternoon, Mr. Lion called Mr. Hyena for a meeting and requested him to change his lazy behaviour. He told him to work hard in the fields like his friends.

Mr. Hyena promised to change. But in the months that followed, he became even lazier. All the animals decided not to give Mr. Hyena any food from the fields.

"If you won’t help us, we won’t help you,” said Mr. Elephant.

"I will survive,” said Mr. Hyena. However, Mr. Hyena and his family soon became hungry and planned to steal food that night.

Clever Mr. Hare knew something like this would happen. He had already planned for it by making some scarecrows out of wood with pumpkin heads.

The scarecrows looked real. Mr. Hare then planted them on the farm. He also put a lot of glue on the surrounding banana plants.

At night, Mr. Hyena and his family came to steal food. They all got stuck on the banana leaves.

"Help….help……,” they screamed.
Early in the morning, the other animals heard them crying for help.

They took a report to the king, Mr. Lion, who then ordered the arrest of Mr. Hyena and his family. From that day on, no animal in the Kazi kingdom was lazy because they did not want to join the lazy Mr. Hyena in jail.
