Do cosmetics cause more harm than good? (A little makeup never hurt anyone)

Cut the ladies some slack – in this hard world, you have got to keep up! If guys can buy themselves nice clothes and attractive colognes, I guess it shouldn’t be an issue when a woman goes an extra or two to look good. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014
Patrick Buchana

Cut the ladies some slack – in this hard world, you have got to keep up! If guys can buy themselves nice clothes and attractive colognes, I guess it shouldn’t be an issue when a woman goes an extra or two to look good.  

We are different; that is something people need to understand. If one lady’s eyebrows are on point, it doesn’t mean even the next one will be the same. So if she needs some eye pencil to fix that problem, do not judge!

There is a lady I know that never wears makeup but one day I saw her with red lipstick and I almost walked into a wall. She had a little eye shadow on too…she looked fabulous to put it right. 

Makeup is for the modern lady, so if a guy likes a woman with nothing on but Vaseline, he might have to move to rural areas to find that one. Not that all women wear makeup, but even the least anti makeup woman will have at least lip gloss on!

Some ladies have low self esteem, and makeup has given them the chance to walk around without a care in the world – and there is nothing sexier than a confident women – I don’t care if she needs makeup for it.

Cosmetic companies are merely giving women the chance to feel better about themselves. Some might sneer and insist that women are better off without it, but until you have a notorious case of acne all over your face, do not judge the woman who insists on hiding it with heaps of foundation!


To be honest, most cosmetic companies have come up with skin friendly products; it is women who need to learn to pick the right product for their skin. 

If women could learn to buy authentic and well recommended products, it might not be so bad. The problem is they listen to anyone who tells them that a certain product did wonders for them. Again, we are different. What worked on one person might not work on another. They need a little more research on the products they buy. 

I have to admit however that much as I’m in support of women who want to ‘beautify’ themselves, too much of everything is bad. It is not necessary to wear makeup like it is running out of fashion – go easy on it! The ‘Christmas tree’ look is not cute at all – neither is the ‘gothic zombie’ one!