Citizens are the ultimate judges of our work – Kagame

President Paul Kagame has called on regional countries to keep on working together to support the return to peace, stability and development in South Sudan. He made the remarks during the 4th Summit of the Northern Corridor Integration Projects today in Entebbe, Uganda.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

President Paul Kagame has called on regional countries to keep on working together to support the return to peace, stability and development in South Sudan. He made the remarks during the 4th Summit of the Northern Corridor Integration Projects today in Entebbe, Uganda.

The Summit is an initiative bringing together Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda to fast track regional development through regional infrastructure, trade and political and economic integration. 

"This meeting is an important illustration of the commitment to goals set last year to work together to advance our region," said the Head of State. "We have to maintain and even speed up the momentum to complete the agreed projects for the benefit our people."

The President said that the Single Customs Territory, launched last October, is fully operational and that emerging challenges are being resolved, adding that he was very pleased to use his Rwandan ID to travel to Uganda.

"I am told Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda will have a common pavilion at next month’s international tourism fair in Berlin," he said. "This is not only good business for our countries but clear indication of our genuine commitment to broader agenda. Citizens are the ultimate judges of our work and I'm confident that they fully benefit from the fruits of these initiatives."