Students debate education policy

The Government does not need to reform the education system but rather invest more in job creation and human resource training, students of FAWE Girls School have proposed.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Jean Michel Hbineza

The Government does not need to reform the education system but rather invest more in job creation and human resource training, students of FAWE Girls School have proposed.

They argued that overhauling the education system would be very costly to the government.

The students made this proposal during a debate held at Don Bosco IFAK Secondary School in Kimihurura on Saturday. The debate, whose motion was, "The government of Rwanda should reform the education system in order to effectively tackle modern challenges,” attracted 15 schools from the Kigali city. 

However students of ld Kigali, were in support of reviewing the education sector, proposing that the government starts encouraging specialisation to increase efficiency. They said the government should design a curriculum that compels students to research more and be more practical.

The competition which was introduced last year, saw FAWE Girls School emerge overall best and Id Kigali in second position. The best debater was Gihozo Sandrine from Martyrs Secondary School

The winning school received a trophy, while the 20 best speakers were given certificates. 

Jean Michel Habineza, the debate organiser, said the main purpose of the competition is to develop the students’ speaking and listening skills.  

"The students’ views can also help policy makers revise one or two things for the development of the country,” Habineza said.