Mbabazi is a great role model for girls

Editor, Thank you Business Times for the story about Lorreta Mbabazi, who runs a children’s clothes shop, Child and Earth.

Monday, February 17, 2014
Mbabazi (featured in Youth and Business series last week) in her store in Remera. The New Times / File


Thank you Business Times for the story about Lorreta Mbabazi, who runs a children’s clothes shop, Child and Earth.

I have visited the store in Remera and was impressed by the quality stuff on offer. Previously, I had trouble getting gifts for babies or their mothers, but not any more. Otherwise, the enterprise is a perfect example of how we should widen our scope, be creative and be open to new ideas.

For organisations that mentor girls, these are some of the role models you can carry along. MPs, doctors and ministers are great role models, but these are easier for the young girls to associate with. Thank you Business Times for bringing us ordinary people-centred stories.

Stella, Kigali