Stability, security are Rwanda’s ‘soft power’

Editor, Initially I used to think “soft power” was a thing for super powers, but, I now know that even small countries can have their form of soft power.

Monday, February 17, 2014


Initially I used to think "soft power” was a thing for super powers, but, I now know that even small countries can have their form of soft power.

I agree that our country is more attractive to foreigners than it used to be. I will peg most of our attraction to security.

Security is the starting point for everything and so as long as we maintain a stable and peaceful country, the economy will continue doing well and investors too will come. The question is: Can we stand the test of a political transition come 2017?

There are too many external threats that I would personally prefer that we retain the current status quo. There are those who tend to ignore the factor that President Paul Kagame is the binding force behind the current stability and security that Rwanda is enjoying.

Forgetting that will dump us into political chaos. The question is: Do we want another crisis no matter how small? I don’t see any problem with extending the presidential term if things are working well and we locals are happy.

Donald, Rwanda

Reaction to the article, "Let’s celebrate Rwanda’s newfound soft power” (Sunday Times, February 15)