Thanks for the Lactometers

Dear editor, Let me express my gratitude towards the Association for the Diabetes (ARD)through your esteemed paper  in conjunction with child care the International Diabetes Foundation (IDF), World Diabetes Foundation (WDF) for availing children with lactometers that are used for measuring the quantity of insulin in the blood.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Dear editor,
Let me express my gratitude towards the Association for the Diabetes (ARD)through your esteemed paper  in conjunction with child care the International Diabetes Foundation (IDF), World Diabetes Foundation (WDF) for availing children with lactometers that are used for measuring the quantity of insulin in the blood.

The cause for my appreciation lies in the fact that we the needy children suffering from diabetes have spent long without these very expensive instruments.

For example, one lactometer costs around 200000frw on the outside market, but when it comes to the diabetes association, it costs 35000 Frw which is still unaffordable for many children suffering from diabetes.

We appeal to other people with loving hearts to come to our plea because the health condition we are exposed to is quite appalling because we do lack the basic necessities to counter diabetes. 

Additionally, we would like the government to pay as much attention to diabetes patients as it does to the people living with HIV/AIDS, because both diseases are incurable.