Africa is hungry because of bad governance

Editor, I wish to respond on Junior Sabena Mutabazi’s article, “Why is Africa hungry again?” (The New Times, February 14).

Saturday, February 15, 2014


I wish to respond on Junior Sabena Mutabazi’s article, "Why is Africa hungry again?” (The New Times, February 14).

I am sorry to come out as rather blunt, but I think Africans can save themselves as much as they kill themselves, and  some African leaders don't seem to be willing to change the status quo – they are the ones who kill their people whom they don't agree with simple issues, they own us and our countries (so, they can kill us or save us), they don't support each other unless their masters say so…yet they claim to be independent, strong, democratic, etc.

African citizens are tired of leaders who move like a snail in terms of development.

 Why can't African leaders wake up and work hand in hand, get rid of conflicts on our continent, respect their citizens, put in place strong institutions to promote the interests of their citizens, ensure no conflicts, reduce the powers of presidents, put in place intervention measures to support each other, have partnerships, reduce flight prices and calling charges? The list is long.

Ndiyo, East Africa