President aids former school

President Paul Kagame has not forgotten his academic roots. Many years on, the President has pledged support for Old Kampala SS, his former school and one of the oldest schools in Uganda, in an effort to resurrect its glory.

Monday, August 04, 2008

President Paul Kagame has not forgotten his academic roots. Many years on, the President has pledged support for Old Kampala SS, his former school and one of the oldest schools in Uganda, in an effort to resurrect its glory.

In a message from him read by Justice Minister Tharcisse Karugarama during the Platinum Jubilee celebrations at the school on Saturday, the president pledged to continue supporting the school that has yielded notable intellectuals, some of whom have gone on to become politicians, leaders and top businessmen.

"Our focus towards the development of this school will remain purposeful,” read the statement.

Though there was no specific amount pledged, the President promised to continue supporting the development initiatives of the 75-year-old school if approached, to ululations of the crowd.

He offered to contribute towards the construction of a proposed ICT resource centre at the school. The long established school has nurtured, among other prominent individuals, Uganda’s Vice President Gilbert Bukenya, Pastor Robert Kayanja, Gen.David Tinyefuza, Moses Kigongo and businessman Sudhir Ruparelia.

Meanwhile, President Paul Kagame is expected to be the Guest of Honour at the opening ceremony of the Golden Jubilee Hall at Ntare School scheduled for 9th August.

The multi-billion structure funded by the Ntare School Old Boys Association that boasts of two presidents (Presidents Kagame and Museveni, will be unveiled by this weekend by those two foremost Old Boys.

Speaking to The New Times on phone, the Headmaster of the school, Humphrey Ahimbisibwe, said that they are confident the two Presidents will be coming since none of them has ever disappointed. The two have remained loyal to the school.

President Kagame studied at Ntare between 1972 and 1975 and he usually speaks fondly of his time at the school.
Ntare also boasts of notable Old Boys such as Eriya Kategaya and Prof. Ephraim Kamuntu among others.

President Kagame last visited Uganda in March this year when he was invited by President Muammar Gadaffi to the opening ceremony of the Gadaffi-funded mosque at Old Kampala hill.
