We must embrace GM foods if we are to become more food secure

Editor, IN HER article, “We took the Bible, now what shall we make of the seeds?” (The New Times, February 12), Alline Akintore could not have stated it more aptly: She said, “To be food secure, I believe that we need to harness technology and embrace GM foods”.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


IN HER article, "We took the Bible, now what shall we make of the seeds?” (The New Times, February 12), Alline Akintore could not have stated it more aptly: She said, "To be food secure, I believe that we need to harness technology and embrace GM foods”.

How I wish the Ministry of Agriculture heed her advice.

Forget the rhetoric that is not backed by scientific research fed to us in those endless meetings, there is a serious threat of food insecurity unless clear and drastic measures are taken.

You go to the countryside and people tell you that they no longer have food in their reserves (ibigega) as it used to be. Will we even find what to eat once we hit 23.8 million in 2045 as per the UN estimates? 

Every commodity is expensive in Rwanda; some of us have forgotten fruits because we can’t afford them. I remember how we used to throw apples before I came to Rwanda. Do you know how much one apple costs in Rwanda?

Sooner than later, Rwanda should introduce commercial agriculture and embrace GM. If we don’t have the expertise, we should hire expatriates with experience in this field. People should also be taught about the new methods and shown how it’s going to economically make a huge difference in their lives.

Mutara Intore, Rwanda