Bravo minister of sports and culture

Dear editor,My gratitude goes out to the Minister of Sports and Culture Hon. Joseph Habineza.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Dear editor,
My gratitude goes out to the Minister of Sports and Culture Hon. Joseph Habineza. Had we all ministers of his caliber then we would see every sector being vibrant like his.

I say this with depiction from the concluded Fespad that saw the young and old attend for different cultural shows put up by different representatives from all over the world.

People and the government always talk about oneness and reconciliation but for minister Habineza it’s through action.

He moves around, chats with young people who are basically his target. This is rare with other ministers. And through this, the youth believe much in him.

The ended Fespad is a clear show of what he means to the youth. Organizing such big events that are educative in nature and promising to do the best in the forthcoming days.

Bringing a popular group known as UB40, on the 21st of November we look forward to them.

Thumbs up for him again.
