Africa should reject ‘second class’ citizen status

Editor, REFERENCE IS made to Lonzen Rugira’s article, “Africa rising but not respected” (The New Times, February 10).

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


REFERENCE IS made to Lonzen Rugira’s article, "Africa rising but not respected” (The New Times, February 10).

Let me add that while Africa is rising, Western powers are also increasing the number of think-tanks to come up with strategic plans on how to keep Africa under their grip.

I believe that it is only time and continual fight for freedom that will usher dignity in Africa and in any human society. That is how slavery was abolished in the United States and Apartheid in South Africa.

Besides, if the United States became independent of the United Kingdom, why not Africa? If China became independent vis-à-vis Japan, why not Africa? 

All is about time and every day fight for freedom. Thanks.

Eddy Chico, Baltimore, United States


THE "SELF-DIGNITY” mantra and message being popularised in Rwanda should be spread and taken up by other African nations and championed by the African Union. Until we show self-dignity and speak with one voice, we will remain with the current "second-class” status for many years to come.

I totally concur with the suggestion for the AU to act as a bloc should President Robert Mugabe be denied visa to the upcoming EU-Africa summit. AU should do it now to prevent similar situations in the future.

Gerard, Rwanda