Interschool competitions more than contests

Dear Editor,Any person in Rwanda will inform you about how much the government has vested in promoting a knowledge based economy, through promoting programs like science and Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Dear Editor,
Any person in Rwanda will inform you about how much the government has vested in promoting a knowledge based economy, through promoting programs like science and Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

True, but there are factors which are taken for granted. Activities like Music, Dance and Drama should be taken to another level, in this process of social-political transformation.

Back in my sweet young days, music would be a tool and a channel through which the government would promote the awareness of its interests to the biggest part of the population.

Threats like diseases, crime would be made known to the public. Promotion of human rights, population control measures would also be made known to the public through school songs, dances and poems.

Despite some few sports and interschool football competition normally watched on the national television, I feel this tool has not yet been used to its maximum. A leaf should perhaps be borrowed from this rich history.

These activities ought to be introduced in schools and high institutions of learning. Inter-school competitions, as well help in constructing our nation.

Think about it MINEDUC
