People with disabilities appeal to Government

People with disabilities have appealed to the Government for a law on their rights. This was revealed last week in a meeting that brought together officials from the National Disability Association at Amahoro National Stadium in Gasabo District.

Sunday, August 03, 2008
Pierre Claver Rwaka

People with disabilities have appealed to the Government for a law on their rights. This was revealed last week in a meeting that brought together officials from the National Disability Association at Amahoro National Stadium in Gasabo District.

The meeting aimed at evaluating and finding immediate ways of how this law could soon be adopted so that people with disabilities could be facilitated in every aspect in the country.

Pierre Claver Rwaka, President of the National Disability Association, said the law was drafted early 2007 and is waiting for a ministerial order to approve it.

He added that the law will set guidelines on how people with disabilities could be helped in terms of education, housing and in hard times like wars.

On the housing system, the meeting discovered that the current housing system does not favour people with disabilities, but the new law will hopefully clear the air.

Rwaka suggested that the government should always consult these people before setting laws guiding them, as this would solve the problem of evaluating it all the time. 

Among other things, people with disabilities requested the government to help them in business activities like trade because they are taxed with the same way normal people are, regardless of the obvious disadvantages.

Rwanda signed the International law that provides protection to people with disabilities, which will soon be in force.
