More clarity on cancer needed

Editor, Refer to the article, “Ministry of Health calls for concerted efforts on cancer” (The New Times, February 6). My questions and concerns are directed at the Ministry of Health.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Refer to the article, "Ministry of Health calls for concerted efforts on cancer” (The New Times, February 6). My questions and concerns are directed at the Ministry of Health.

It is good news that the number of deaths caused by cancer is decreasing, but I wonder what really the causes of this disease are. It takes years for cancer to develop, and it is often discovered in late stages, so often even screening does not help to save a patient’s life.

Could we please have more clarity on the disease burden associated with cancer, which interventions have been carried out, when, their impact and how they were measured?

This would really be informative.

Thank you.

John Mugisha, Rwanda