RPF Gasabo members mark 2013 gains

The Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) has pledged to extend water to every homestead and expand roads to end the traffic jam especially during peak hours. 

Sunday, February 09, 2014
RPF members of Gasabo District during the meeting at the stadium. Courtesy

The Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) has pledged to extend water to every homestead and expand roads to end the traffic jam especially during peak hours. 

The pledge was made yesterday as party supporters in Gasabo district met to celebrate their achievements in 2013 and make new commitments for this year.

"We must fight for the wellbeing of all Rwandans by continuing to work in a concerted manner,” said Local Government Minister James Musoni, who was the chief guest, at the function held at Amahoro Stadium.

"We had lost our dignity but regained it. Let us endeavour to maintain it and resist efforts by those who want to dismantle it. Those people envy our developments and are using some of you to sabotage our developmental programmes such as Ndi Umunyarwanda,” he said.  

Ndizeye Willy, the district mayor, thanked the RPF leadership for creating a conducive atmosphere for Rwandans to work and develop themselves and their country.

‘’As people of Gasabo, we constructed roads and repaired those that were in bad shape,’’ Ndizeye noted.

He also thanked the residents of Gasabo for embracing SACCOs, a move he said would minimize poverty.

Emile Ndahiro, the chairperson of ODMR cooperative, was all praises for the RPF leadership in Gasabo. He reported that the party gave his group members technical advice and land to farm which has been fundamental in the well being of the people.

Rose Nsabompa, a trader, said the RPF leadership had created markets for the local people hence empowering them financially.

"As market vendors, we are happy because the taxes on our goods are fair which enables us to make profit,” she asserts.

Munara Jean Claude, the Vice Mayor Economic Affairs, revealed that 500 cows had been distributed to residents of Gasabo and a number of houses constructed for the Genocide survivors.

Other leaders who attended the function included Kigali City Mayor Fidel Ndayisaba, health minister Agnes Binagwaho.

Ndayisaba thanked the people of Gasabo for their strong cooperation and hard work which in the development of the district and the whole country in general.