All citizens care about is bread and butter, not abuses

Editor, Refer to Sunny Ntayombya’s article, “An open letter to a Rwandan politician from the Diaspora” (The New Times, February 5).

Friday, February 07, 2014
Rwandans are more concerned with how to earn their daily bread. File photo.


Refer to Sunny Ntayombya’s article, "An open letter to a Rwandan politician from the Diaspora” (The New Times, February 5).

I thank Mr. Ntayombya, but I think Twagiramungu, Gahima, Ntaganda, Rudasingwa, Mudacumura and the likes would tear him to pieces for asking the one question that he dare not ask: What is their individual or collective policy on any aspect of our lives?

I have been in this country for some decades like millions of compatriots. Most of these politicians or activists (whatever fits) served stints at the highest level in different institutions, including, unfortunately, a Prime Minister (Faustin Twagiramungu).

Can anyone remember with any degree of certainty which or whether any of them ever openly stated a detailed position on any public policy issue? Can we retrieve anything from any of the agencies they worked for?

Today the youngest of them is around 57 or 58. Surely is it not too much imagination on Mr. Ntayombya’s part to expect any of these gentlemen to tell Rwandans what their detailed policy on things that touch their lives is?

Can one learn to be left-handed at 75? If they did not manage it when in office charged with exactly that responsibility, if they in fact delivered the very opposite of what was expected, how dare Mr. Ntayombya expect a detailed policy?

Truth be told (as the writer says) their programme starts and ends with hatred, anger, and sour grapes. Whether such a programme will create wealth in the land of cows or lower rent and rates in our city, they should give a "detailed response”.

Hope, Rwanda


Faustin Twagiramungu has been, and still is at his old game: trying to contribute a tattered reputation as a so-called moderate to help transform his FDLR pals into some sort of legitimate political actors that might be accepted into polite society, be it one that is not too discriminating.

I have news for our dear Rukokoma (his political nickname): no amount of laundering will rid your FDLR friends of the blood that has seeped deep into their very pores. These génocidaires remain the same toxic brew in new bottles.

No Rwandan or anyone else except your other new friends across our borders are duped about the fact these people’s agenda remains the extermination of a section of the Rwandan population.

As for Rukokoma, I have food for thought for him; when you pour a drop of poison in a barrel of milk the entire barrel becomes contaminated.

Jumping into bed with génocidaires turns the resulting combination into one genocidal organisation – it does not dilute the evil of the Mudacumuras and their apocalyptic agenda.

Those who pretend otherwise should understand we Rwandans see through their charades and prepare.

Mwene Kalinda, Rwanda