Motorcycle taxi operators warned

Motorcycle taxi operators operating in Huye District have been warned against violating traffic rules.

Friday, February 07, 2014

Motorcycle taxi operators operating in Huye District have been warned against violating traffic rules.

 The warning was sounded by  Chief Inspector of Police Thomas Twahirwa while meeting over 750 motorists operating in Huye over the weekend. 

 The meeting aimed at assessing the security situation in the area and laying strategies for sustainable security in the district.

 There are about 1,000 motorcycle taxi operators in Huye District working under three cooperatives. 

 Twahirwa hailed them for cooperating with security organs to fight crime. He appealed to them to strengthen this partnership by reporting their colleagues that might be involved in criminal acts. He also told them to be cautious of suspicious passengers and luggage they transport and report anything suspicious.