Speaker advises on party discipline

EASTERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE — Alfred Mukezapfura, the Speaker of Parliament has warned Nyagatare residents against misconduct during the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Sunday, August 03, 2008


NYAGATARE — Alfred Mukezapfura, the Speaker of Parliament has warned Nyagatare residents against misconduct during the upcoming parliamentary elections.

The Speaker, who is also the President of Centrist Democratic Party (PDC), was in Nyagatare district last week to meet his party committee members from across the Eastern Province to discuss party discipline during the forthcoming elections.

Mukezapfura explained that consultations on political matters will make members of any political party honor their developmental commitments and uphold proper code of conduct.

"We need proper code of conduct and discipline among the electorate in order to ensure smooth exercise in our elections,” he said.

He also noted that consultative meetings will help them to shape the electoral process unlike in the past when politics was marred by divisionism instead of competition.

According to the Speaker, similar meetings have been held in Kigali, Gisenyi and Musanze district.

Mukezapfura urged the members to cultivate unity among Rwandans and focus on the government policies that aim at improving the economic development of the country.

"Our aim is to fight against divisionism among Rwandans, so any person found spreading divisionism and sectarianism in these elections will not be considered as PDC member,” he warned. 

He said some people have previously used their personal conflicts to tarnish the image of their political parties, but such people will face the courts of law if they try to disturb the smooth running of the campaigns and elections.

Protais Rumanzi, an official of the National Electoral Commission (NEC), also warned residents against breaching electoral laws. He urged them to elect people of their choice, to cross check their names on the voter’s registers and pick their voting cards.

"It’s your personal right to choose the leader of your choice but you have to fulfill the requirements of NEC too. You can’t vote when you are not in the voting register or if you have no voting card,” he explained.

"So you have to solve every thing before September 15,” Rumanzi added.

Rumanzi also called upon the members to report people intimidating them to security organs. He noted that there are people who are not interested in seeing smooth elections in the country.

"We know there are elements out there who threaten to kill people if they don’t vote them or their candidates. But that is trash because our nation has enough security,” Rumanzi said.
