Relationships: Keeping your children safe while you’re away

As a woman, one role that is indisputable is taking care of the children. But there are going to be times when you need to leave your children at home.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

As a woman, one role that is indisputable is taking care of the children. But there are going to be times when you need to leave your children at home.

Below are some tips on how to make sure your children are safe when you head out:

1. Finding a babysitter
• Follow your instincts and if in doubt don’t use them.
•  Hire somebody with an address. By address I mean, hire somebody whom you can easily trace just incase of any problem.
• Have at least two contact references. 
• It is advisable to find a caretaker or choose a babysitter who is over 16 years old with some level of maturity.
• Always leave a telephone number at home or somebody to be contacted incase of an emergency.
• Give clear instructions to the house helper and the children themselves  on what to do incase of an emergency.

2. Consult your children and listen to them attentively

Take note of their needs and show them that you care and respect them.

This will boost their confidence that will help them in future when they grow up.

Talk to your child about any issue of babysitting or housing keeping that they are unhappy about. If your child is unhappy about your use of a particular babysitter, find someone else.

3. Words of warning
Always talk to your child about keeping safe at home and point out the potential dangers.

Probably all of us have heard reports of children who have gone missing from their homes never to be found.

Advice your children not to answer the door to strangers and warn them against accepting gifts like food, sweets from strangers.

Most children are in the habit of taking food from neighbours though this in some cases has been a source of trouble.

4. Out of reach
Put obvious dangers out of reach of children for instance medicines, chemicals, match boxes and sharp knives. Don’t let children frequent the kitchen, they can easily get burnt or eat raw food which may be dangerous to their health.

It is always important to consider the child’s safety before you decide to leave.