Harerimana’s story an example of how one can overcome fear and beat poverty

Editor,REFER TO the story, “Harerimana has fabricated his way out of poverty”, The New Times, January 28). Such an inspiring article!

Thursday, January 30, 2014
Technical and vocational training students attending a practical session. Net photo.

Editor,REFER TO the story, "Harerimana has fabricated his way out of poverty”, The New Times, January 28). Such an inspiring article! Indeed the biggest challenge we are facing as youth is overcoming fear. I know there are many people out there, including myself, who still cannot take the step to invest in something because of fear to lose out. But when you read from such testimonies, you gain strength and hope for success. It’s on this note that I’m requesting The New Times to be publishing many more inspiring articles like this one to educate the youth, which comprises the biggest majority of the Rwandan population. With the current government’s policy of developing technical and vocational skills among the young people, this will take the country to greater heights. WDA (Workforce Development Authority) should be more proactive to ensure that students do not keep their skills within themselves but rather put them into action like Emmanuel Harerimana. Absolom Muramira, Rwanda***************************THE STORY of Emmanuel Harerimana should set a good example to some of us who think that success comes solely from school. We should remember that there are big reservoirs of our brains that we keep dormant every time we remain idle and fearful of adventurous endeavors, especially the youth.I think school is the cornerstone of education, but once you get the basics to crack the brain, then one could help himself to pursue the dreams of their life. Again, we must explore the internet to teach ourselves something new, at every opportunity, and even make it reality. You will never find out if you don’t try. We should also remember that this would not have been possible without the facilitation from the Government of Rwanda, which always encourages the youth to participate in innovations to lift ourselves out of poverty. Thank you for the article.Elvis Mudacumura, Montréal , Canada