MTN donates 36 computers to schools

MTN Foundation donated 36 computers worth Rwf30m to Nyamata Technical School in Bugesera District with one year of free Internet access.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

MTN Foundation donated 36 computers worth Rwf30m to Nyamata Technical School in Bugesera District with one year of free Internet access.

Fifteen schools have so far received 540 computers from MTN geared at helping technical schools.

Handing over the donation, the vice- chairperson of MTN Foundation, Zulfat Mukarubega, said the computers will help students and teachers research and get updates on current affairs.

"Our aim is to support Rwandan youth be able to compete internationally in job creation,” she said.   

John Sebahana, the school’s head teacher said the donation was a great boost.

Bugesera Mayor Louis Rwagaju hailed MTN Foundation for the donation, saying it was a worthwhile investment in education.

"The computers we had were few compared to the number of students and this had always hampered the learning of ICT lessons,” said Cynthia Murebwayire, a Senior Six computer student.