First Lady attends 13th OAFLA meet

First Lady Jeannette Kagame, yesterday attended a steering committee meeting for the Organisation of African First Ladies against HIV/Aids (OAFLA) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Thursday, January 30, 2014
Mrs Kagame (L) and OAFLA steering committee executives during the meeting in Addis Ababa yesterday. The New Times/Village Urugwiro

First Lady Jeannette Kagame, yesterday attended a steering committee meeting for the Organisation of African First Ladies against HIV/Aids (OAFLA) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Mrs Kagame, who was last year elected vice president of OAFLA, joined OAFLA’s current president Hinda Deby Itno, the first lady of Chad, along with other first ladies from Mozambique, Namibia, Ghana, Senegal, Mali, and Zambia, according to a statement. 

Today, the General Assembly is scheduled to meet for the 13th time on the sidelines of the ongoing African Heads of State and Government summit.

OAFLA was established in 2002 as a continental initiative to advocate and mobilise resources for those affected and infected by HIV/Aids in Africa and provide leadership at the regional and national level to fight HIV/Aids.

From 2004 and 2006, Mrs Kagame was the president of OAFLA and she championed with success the "Treat every Child as Your Own” continental campaign.