Burera miners urged on professionalism

Miners from Gifurwe Wolfram Mining and Processing Ltd in Burera District have been urged to be professional in their activities and embrace the culture of saving with banks to enhance their socio-conomic status.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Miners from Gifurwe Wolfram Mining and Processing Ltd in Burera District have been urged to be professional in their activities and embrace the culture of saving with banks to enhance their socio-conomic status.The call was made by the Northern Province governor Aime Bosenibamwe on Friday during an event to celebrate the 7th mining day at the site.The day is internationally observed on December 4.The governor said although the concession has played a significant role in transforming people’s lives in Burera, direct beneficiaries should aim higher and commit the proceeds from mining to other income generating activities."You have to take advantage of the mine and save the money for the future; you cannot be a miner your entire lifetime. Work hard and invest in other projects that can improve your economic status,” Bosenibamwe said.He urged the management of Gifurwe to help miners form investment companies so they can invest in other sectors.Gifurwe Mining lay idle and unexploited until 2006 when it was taken up by the company, and has since transformed lives of area residents.Over 1,200 people, including 60 women, are directly employed in the mine.Currently, the company gets more than 120 tonnes of minerals from the site, but the management is optimistic they would go up to between 150 tonnes and 170 tonnes per year in the future.