SG in court over assaulted farmer

The Court of Higher Instance in Gasabo District has summoned the Secretary General in the Prosecutor General’s office to explain the circumstances under which his employee assaulted an area resident.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

The Court of Higher Instance in Gasabo District has summoned the Secretary General in the Prosecutor General’s office to explain the circumstances under which his employee assaulted an area resident.

Alain Mukurarinda, the president of Gasabo court, confirmed the development when contacted Thursday by telephone. He said the SG, Jean Damascene Habimana, would appear before the prosecution tomorrow.

The SG’s employee together with other residents reportedly assaulted Ramathan Kajyabwami, a month ago. Kajyabwami is a resident of Ndera Sector.

Sources in Gasabo said Thursday that the farmer discovered the SG’s cows destroying his garden. When he raised the alarm, he was reportedly assaulted by the SG’s employee.

When contacted yesterday, Habimana told Sunday Times he would travel to Gasabo tomorrow but denied any wrong doing. 

He said if his employee committed a crime he should carry his own cross. He confirmed that he met the assaulted man but failed to agree on compensation. 

"He was demanding a lot from me,” the SG said.
He said he would go to court as an observer; the authorities will be quizzing his employee and not him.

"I am innocent. I did not tell my employee to go around assaulting people. My case should be understood,” Habimana explained.

The SG will be summoned together with his employee and other two unidentified residents.

Earlier in the week, sources from Nyarugenge Court said that Habimana’s case was sensitive and had been forwarded to the office of the Prosecutor General for scrutiny.

But the Prosecutor General’s spokesperson, Augustin Nkusi, said he was unaware of the matter.  

"I don’t know about this issue. But if he is going to be summoned, let him be summoned,” Nkusi said in a telephone interview phone yesterday.
