ICT access key to addressing daily challenges, says Kagame

President Paul Kagame has said ICT is a major tool for tackling day-to-day life challenges. He was speaking yesterday at an event about the role of broadband in sustainable development on the last day of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Saturday, January 25, 2014
President Kagame, ITU Secretary General Hamadoun Touru00e9 (R) and other ICT sector players at the Broadband event in Davos yesterday. The New Times/Village Urugwiro.

President Paul Kagame has said ICT is a major tool for tackling day-to-day life challenges. He was speaking yesterday at an event about the role of broadband in sustainable development on the last day of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."My hope is built on one thing. Giving the majority of our people ICT tools means they will be able to face their challenges,” Kagame said.The five-day event is organised by International Telecommunications Union and the Azerbaijan Ministry of ICT, and moderated by Jeffrey Sachs. It brings together leaders in the ICT sector to answer why broadband should be prioritised in the post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals.President Kagame spoke of Rwanda’s commitment to the use of ICT for transformation:"People used to think that broadband is meant for a few and cannot be accessed by the majority. We have found that with the right investments, we can make it accessible and affordable. People are now able to use ICT for health, education and to access markets for their agricultural products. The results speak for themselves in Africa.”As co-chair of the Broadband Commission, President Kagame also thanked fellow commissioners for their dedication to increasing broadband accessibility.ITU Secretary-General Hamadoun Touré explained the goals of the Broadband Commission as essential to sustainable development"Our goal is to put broadband at the centre of every national agenda. We want to use broadband to achieve millennium development goals and address global challenges, including youth unemployment, climate change, and environmental sustainability. We are part of the solution and not part of the problem,” Dr Touré said.Kagame said ICT must be part of a wider context that includes good governance, adding that ICT must ensure that citizens have access to information. The President said broadband is an opportunity to share knowledge in a mutually beneficial manner."It is important to understand that there is no part of the world that has monopoly of knowledge or best practices. That is the beauty of the globalised society we live in,” he said.Kagame began the day with a panel titled, "Setting the Global Agenda for Agriculture Transformation,” alongside President John Dramani Mahama of Ghana.