Need to rollout portfolio investment

Editor,I suggest that some strategies be laid down to increase the rate of portfolio investment in our country because it is still lying idle. By portfolio I mean the collection of financial assets like treasury bills, bonds, stocks and many others.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Editor,I suggest that some strategies be laid down to increase the rate of portfolio investment in our country because it is still lying idle. By portfolio I mean the collection of financial assets like treasury bills, bonds, stocks and many others.In my view the reasons as to why portfolio investment in Rwanda is still idle, is the uncertainty that’s probably caused by the persistence (though not of a high degree) increase in inflation.There are two things: either increase in taxes on such investment to the current visible investors, or probably lack of proper knowledge concerningrisk-return tradeoff in portfolio investment and, the benefits of diversification as a portfolio strategy among the potential investors in Rwanda.I congratulate BNR, the central bank, for the paramount achievement in controlling inflation in our country. The only task left through capital market is the strategy to disseminate knowledge about portfolio investment to the potential investors in Rwanda.Benjamin Kabandana, RwandaReaction to the story, "Central bank projects lower inflation in 2014” (The New Times, December 18)