Youth sensitised on elections

NYARUGENGE - The National Youth Centre based at Kimisagara Wednesday held a one-day youth sensitization workshop on the country’s parliamentary elections due  September.

Saturday, August 02, 2008
AJPROHDO Vice President Andre Bayingana.

NYARUGENGE - The National Youth Centre based at Kimisagara Wednesday held a one-day youth sensitization workshop on the country’s parliamentary elections due  September.

The centre’s Assistant Director, Donatien Nsengimana, said that this was meant to help the youth understand their role during the elections.

"Youth ignore electing their Members of Parliament not because of any personal reasons but due to the fact that they are uninformed about the elections’ importance,” Nsengimana said.

He added that the sensitization was held as part of the center’s programs which are aimed at empowering youth in peace building and development of Rwanda.

The sensitization  sponsored by German developmental agencies, GTZ and Ded, attracted observers from Rwanda Never Again Club and officials from Nyarugenge Sector of Kigali.

Nyarugenge’s Civic Education Officer, Bosco Rutikanga, told  the 50 youth in attendance that they have a duty of electing responsible leaders at the forthcoming Parliamentary elections.

"I call upon you to take part in the parliamentary elections and vote for your capable leaders,” Rutikanga urged the youth.

"You should be concerned and choose the right people who will play a big role in the country’s development,” he continued.

Rutikanga further added that the electoral campaigns are set to begin on August 25, twenty days prior to the elections.

The MPs’ elections set for September 15 will see 53 of the 80 MPs elected or re-elected for a five year term by proportional representation.

Twenty four will be elected by provincial councils and the remaining two will be appointed by the National Youth Council and one will be elected by the federation of the associations of the disabled.
