Commonwealth membership: Rwanda to showcase progress

Rwanda will on Tuesday showcase its progress in the Commonwealth focal areas of democracy, good governance, access to justice, civil society and public and private sector reform.

Saturday, August 02, 2008
Mark Collins(L), Andrew Mitchell(R)

Rwanda will on Tuesday showcase its progress in the Commonwealth focal areas of democracy, good governance, access to justice, civil society and public and private sector reform.

This will be at a conference slated for August 5, at the Novotel. It will be held as part of Rwanda’s planned accession to the common wealth in November this year. A decision on Rwanda’s accession will be taken during the Commonwealth Heads of State and Government meeting (CHOGM) in Trinidad and Tobago.

According to a press release from the Commonwealth Policy Studies Unit, this is the first time there has been a public debate in an applicant country ahead of membership.

In addition, a platform will be provided to debate how these sectors will benefit from and contribute to Commonwealth membership.

Participants will be drawn from government ministries, the business sector, public institutions, and non-governmental institutions.

According to the release participants will also be introduced to the 80-odd Commonwealth Professional Associations, with a view to creating new partnerships between the Commonwealth and Rwanda.

The meeting will be attended by the Ministers of foreign affairs, justice, and local government. Andrew Mitchel the UK Shadow State Minister for International Cooperation and Mark Collins of the Common Wealth Foundation will also be in attendance.
