Cost-effective internet device hits market

It will now be easy for many small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs) to access the Internet after Airtel unveiled a cost-efficient communication device in Kigali on Monday.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014
The device touted to boost access to Internet among SMEs. The New Times/Ben Gasore

It will now be easy for many small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs) to access the Internet after Airtel unveiled a cost-efficient communication device in Kigali on Monday.

The device, code-named ‘office in a box', enables subscribers to use high-speed wireless connectivity at anytime and anywhere.

John Magara, the Airtel brand and communications manager, said the product offers solutions that could enhance companies’ efficiency, as well as reduce the cost of doing business.

"The device has an Internet router that connects about 33 computers, and four additional ports to connect more computers as well as an analog telephone,” he explained.

According to September 2013 figures from the Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority, 15.8 per cent (or 1,674,053 subscribers) of the population are connected to the Internet. This is an increase from 1,324,409 Internet subscribers in September 2012.