REB should rescind decision to cancel students results

Editor, Reading the story, my own interpretation is that REB (Rwanda Education Board) is punishing creativity and innovation, on the part of the teachers.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Refer to the article, "Angry parents, students storm REB offices over cancelled results”, (The New Times, on January 21).

Reading the story, my own interpretation is that REB (Rwanda Education Board) is punishing creativity and innovation, on the part of the teachers.

If all the students used the same formula in the same way and obtained the same result it is because they were all taught by the same teacher in the same way to arrive at the same result.

I think that this cannot in all fairness be considered as a sign of cheating. REB should rescind this decision and even reward the teacher for making mathematics simpler for the students.

Peter Kamau, NairobiKenya


How on earth can kids be victimised for irregularities at an examination centre fully supervised by officials! Even if they cheated, go ahead and punish those charged with oversight not the poor kids.

REB needs to retract its decision and apologise to the poor kids who have dedicated all their six years preparing for the PLE exams.



This is a baseless decision on the part of REB – which proof or evidence do they have of irregularities? From my understanding of the matter through this article, nothing can prevent these students to get their marks.

Do we need His Excellency the President again to intervene in such a small matter?
