ADRA unveils 20 houses for returnees

EASTERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE — The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), has constructed 20 houses for Rwandan returnees from Tanzania.

Friday, August 01, 2008


NYAGATARE — The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), has constructed 20 houses for Rwandan returnees from Tanzania.

The houses, constructed in Nyabitekeri village, Tabagwe Sector, were handed over this Thursday to 20 families.

They were constructed under ADRA’s Rwanda Integrated Rural Education Project (ADRA/RIREP) in partnership with local authority, at a cost of about Frw14 million.

Lauben Ruta, the RIREP programme manager said that ADRA contributed labour, cement and iron sheets while the sector authorities bought timber. The beneficiaries provided the bricks.

"We told the beneficiaries to make their own bricks for their houses because we wanted them to feel the ownership.

Before, we used to build houses without their in put but most people felt no ownership of the houses. They thought ADRA would take back their houses and most people sold the given houses,” Ruta said.

He explained that the beneficiaries are old men and women, windows, disabled and orphans. "We worked with Cell authorities and local residents to identify the vulnerable people,” he added.

He said that the three bed roomed houses were constructed within a period of about eight months.

Robert Kashemeza, Nyagatare district mayor urged the returnees to utilise the given properties and skills given to them by the project to fight poverty.

He appealed to them to forget their exile memories and concentrate on development.  "I know you lost a lot of properties, but its time for you to feel at home and work hard for your mother land for better and bright future,” he said.

"You are no longer discriminated as you used to be in foreign countries and your security is a guaranteed here, no more local militia (sungusungu) running after you every morning,” the Mayor added.

Kashemeza cautioned the people selling their small plots of land given to them by the government to go back to Tanzanian or Uganda, saying they should be contented with what they have.

"There are some people who came here as refugees from Tanzania and we gave them small pieces of land. But after word they sold it and went back to the country that chased them, claiming that they can’t survive without their cows. Imagine that scenario,” Kashemeza said.

Speaking as chief guest, Dr. Ephraim Kabaija, the area governor called upon the returnees to join hands and fight poverty in their area.

He also urged the young and energetic youth to work with local authorities and other relief agencies to construct more 70 houses for needy people in the area. About 70 families have not got the houses; they are still living in plastic tents and huts.

The governor also urged the residents to work hard and help the nation to reach their target of Vision 2020. He appealed to them to fight against laziness, consumption of local brew (kanyanga) and cattle theft in the area.

At the same function, ADRA gave out gifts to people who assisted the project to implement activities of Functional Adult Literacy (FAL) and helped them to sensitise the returnees on income generating activities.

About 10 peopled received bicycles and mobile telephone handsets.
