Nine magical ‘foods’ for natural metabolic boost

Metabolism is a word whose meaning encompasses everything the body does to keep human beings alive, which includes the proper function of the organs, reparation of the cells, the digestion of food and breathing.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Metabolism is a word whose meaning encompasses everything the body does to keep human beings alive, which includes the proper function of the organs, reparation of the cells, the digestion of food and breathing. Your basal metabolic rate, the energy your body expends at rest, is generally determined by your genetics, but new research shows you can trick your body into burning calories more efficiently. We need them to fuel every function of the body from powering the heartbeat to enabling one to run a marathon. When we eat food it must go through a series of processes before it can actually be utilised. These processes that the food goes through are called metabolism, or the conversion of food to usable energy. In metabolism, some substances are broken down to yield energy for vital processes while other substances, necessary for life, are synthesised. You can rev it up naturally by eating foods that increase your body’s fat-burning power.MilkStudies suggest that consuming calcium may help your body metabolise fat more efficiently. Studies published online say epidemiological evidence shows that consumption of dairy products is associated with decreased prevalence of metabolic related disorders, whilst evidence from experimental studies points towards dairy protein as a dietary component which may aid prevention of type 2 diabetesEgg whitesEgg whites are rich in branched-chain amino acids, which keep your metabolism stoked, says Chicago nutritionist David Grotto, in an article published by online magazine, Eggs are also loaded with protein and vitamin D.WaterIf you’re even mildly dehydrated, your metabolism may slow down, says Scott Isaacs, MD, clinical instructor of medicine at the Emory University School of Medicine. Tip: Drink water cold, which forces your body to use more calories to warm it up.Lean meatLean meat is full of iron; deficiencies in the mineral can slow metabolism. Eat three to four daily servings of iron-rich foods, such as chicken or fortified cereal. But since many cuts of beef contain saturated fat, which has a negative effect on your cardiovascular health, opt for lean cuts. Lean cuts include round steak, shoulder steak, lean ground beef and flank steak. You sure will reap the nutritional benefits of beef without the fat.Chili peppersChili peppers contain capsaicin, a chemical compound that can kick metabolism into higher gear. You could just add a tablespoon of chopped chili pepper to a meal once a day. Chili peppers are also an unexpected source of vitamin C. Spicy peppers, such as cayenne peppers, cause the body temperature to rise. When the body temperature rises it needs to be cooled, and you burn more calories when the body is forced to go through a cooling process. Although it may seem like the hotter and more frequently your body temperature is high, the more you can boost your metabolism, you need to moderate it to be effective. As you become more accustomed to spicy foods, it may take more spice to raise your body temperature. CoffeeA study published in Physiology and Behaviour found that the average metabolic rate of people who drank caffeinated coffee was 16 per cent higher than that of those who drank decaf. Two substances in coffee–kahweol and cafestol–help raise cholesterol levels. Paper filters capture these substances, but that doesn’t help the many people who now drink non-filtered coffee drinks, such as lattes. Researchers have also found a link between cholesterol increases and decaffeinated coffee, possibly because of the type of bean used to make certain decaffeinated coffees.A 2006 study confirmed that the metabolism-boosting benefits of coffee were greater and lasted longer in lean women. Researchers say the chlorogenic acid in coffee may also help reduce rate glucose absorption in the body.Green TeaThe brew contains a plant compound called EGCG, which promotes fat-burning. Drinking green tea offers the combined benefits of caffeine and catechins, substances shown to rev up the metabolism for a couple hours. Research suggests that drinking two to four cups of either tea may push the body to burn 17 per cent more calories during moderately intense exercise for a short period of time.Researchers say Green tea raises metabolic rates and speeds up fat oxidation as its "thermogenic (from ‘thermogenesis, the calories the body burns while digesting and absorbing food as it’s being eaten) properties and promotes fat oxidation beyond that explained by its caffeine content.”LentilsAbout 20 per cent of women are iron deficient, which is bad news for your waistline—your body can’t work as efficiently to burn calories when it’s missing what it needs to work properly. One cup of lentils provides 35 per cent of your daily iron needs. In addition to providing essential and non-essential amino acids and carbon skeletons for the metabolic needs of the human body, lentils are sources for some storage proteins that are described as biologically active proteins.Whole grainsWhole grains help your body burn more fat because they take extra effort to break down than processed grains, like white bread and pasta. Whole foods that are rich in fiber, like brown rice and oatmeal, are your best bets. However, just as different kinds of fats have different effects in our bodies (for example, saturated and trans fats are linked to increased risk for cardiovascular disease while omega-3 fats decrease cardiovascular disease risk), some carbohydrates, such as whole grains, are healthful while others, such as refined grains and the foods made from them, are not.The benefits of whole grains makes sense as the whole food requires more whole wheat bread photo work to break it down when compared to refined foods because the whole food maintains a higher nutrient density.

This includes higher protein, B vitamin, mineral, fiber and phytochemical content. Not only do these characteristics of the whole grain result in increased calorie burn, but it also provides you with many disease fighting, weight controlling, and hunger combating benefits. So go with the grain and eat the whole food to reap the whole benefits.