The Ozone layer can be healed if carbon emissions are reduced

Dear editor,The droughts, famines and the unpredictable floods and rainfall in various parts of the world are all a result of global warming.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Dear editor,
The droughts, famines and the unpredictable floods and rainfall in various parts of the world are all a result of global warming.

These effects cannot be hindered in an instant but through the initiative to change human activities that destroy the ozone layer.

However in this day and age, people love their cars. They are vital links to our jobs, our community, ourselves.

For everything we love about them, cars are chained to the most severe global crises of our time: oil dependence and climate change.

If the gas emissions from cars all over the globe are combined, their effect on the environment is deadly.

This is becoming visible daily as seen on the devastating environmental degradation mother earth is experiencing.

Developed countries continue to be the ring leaders in environmental destruction.

This is attributable to the fact that their industries eject huge quantities of toxic carbon emissions into the air. 

More effort and resources have to be injected into policies though long term, would reduce carbon emissions.

This is not only the right thing to do for the environment and public health and safety; it is the right thing to do for the economy.

Through transitioning to new cleaner energy and new technology, will global warming be reduced hence starting and entering a new era of the Ozone layer healing.