Senegalese officials tour police anti-GBV facility

A delegation from Senegal on Tuesday visited Rwanda National Police (RNP) headquarters in Kacyiru, Kigali as part of a study tour aimed at ascertaining Rwanda’s approach to the fight against Gender-Based Violence (GBV). 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

A delegation from Senegal on Tuesday visited Rwanda National Police (RNP) headquarters in Kacyiru, Kigali as part of a study tour aimed at ascertaining Rwanda’s approach to the fight against Gender-Based Violence (GBV). 

The delegation, comprising mainly officials from Senegal Police Force, Justice and Health ministries, lawyers as well as officials from the Office of the Prime Minister, hailed Rwanda police’s strategies against the vice.

The head of the team, Marie Mangou, said: "Our visit is aimed at acquiring  experience on how to tackle GBV in our country, and the RNP’s strategy,” Mangou said.

She also lauded the good relationship between Rwanda and Senegal.

Besides decentralising its gender desk to the district level and providing free medical, and psycho-socio and legal support to GBV victims, RNP also conducts periodic campaigns aimed at sensitising the masses about the need to fight  GBV.

The Deputy Inspector General of Police in charge of Administration and Personnel, Stanley Nsabimana, also commended the existing relationship between the two countries, adding that fighting GBV is one of the force’s priority areas.

Nsabimana said the Force is "proud and committed” to sharing its experience to help enhance peace and security in other countries.

"We look at cooperation beyond boarders as one of the effective and efficient ways of ensuring the safety of our people,” Nsabimana said.

The delegation also toured different RNP anti-GBV facilities such as Isange One-Stop-Centre and the gender desk.