Residents decry poor hygiene in district markets

Traders and residents in Kayonza and Rwamagana towns have asked authorities to find an alternative place for dumping garbage, from the market.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Waste management remains an issue in most district markets. The New Times S. Rwembeho.

Traders and residents in Kayonza and Rwamagana towns have asked authorities to find an alternative place for dumping garbage, from the market.The traders complain that the garbage, that is piled up near their stalls was posing a threat to their health and scaring away customers.Innocent Gasamagera, a trader in Kayonza town, said the garbage heap was ‘chasing away’ potential buyers who cannot withstand the stench."The concerned authorities should remove the garbage. We cannot work in this kind of environment,” he said.Alphonse Ngarambe, the Director of Health in Kayonza District, acknowledged the poor waste management, blaming it on the company in charge of the waste collection.He said companies in charge of waste collection were doing a disservice to the district.Ngarambe noted, however, that the district, with support of UN Habitat, was about to construct a dumping site that would end the crisis. He warned people against dumping at night."At least Rwf2bn was earmarked for the construction of a modern market. This, coupled with a UN Habitat sponsored dumping site, will make a difference,” Ngarambe said.Meanwhile, the Mayor of Rwamagana District, Nehemie Uwimana, said the issue of waste management has been taken over by the district and it will be addressed in the near future.