Youth body trains on domestic violence

AJPRODHO- JIJUKIRWA, a Youth Association that advocates for human rights development yesterday organised a two-day workshop on domestic violence, one of the issues that delays human rights development in the country.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

AJPRODHO- JIJUKIRWA, a Youth Association that advocates for human rights development yesterday organised a two-day workshop on domestic violence, one of the issues that delays human rights development in the country.

The workshop, held at Iwacu Kabusunzu Centre, Nyamirambo, brought together officials from the Districts of Nyagatare, Gatsibo and Kayonza in the Eastern Province with Karongi and Ngororero in the Western Province.

Andrew Bayingana, the Vice-President of AJPRODHO, said domestic violence was to be addressed because it was identified as a worrying issue in society.

"It is not easy to detect domestic violence since it occurs in families, and victims normally find it hard to address it.

Our main purpose in this workshop is to encourage them (victims) to do so,” he said.

He added that according to research carried out by experts from the National University of Rwanda, domestic violence is growing and thus needs immediate action to stop it.

Domestic violence occurs in many aspects like denial of rights to basic needs, access to education and taking harsh decisions against family members, including beating and other forms of violence.
