Strike a PPP arrangement for public transport in CoK

Editor, I THINK the new public transport system in the City of Kigali (CoK) is far better than Kampala’s. However, it won’t deliver an efficient model for the city commuters.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Editor, I THINK the new public transport system in the City of Kigali (CoK) is far better than Kampala’s. However, it won’t deliver an efficient model for the city commuters. What is probably needed is a statutory corporation entering into a PPP (Private Public Partnership) arrangement with contractors, whereby the service is public-defined and privately delivered. Contractors should provide buses, but revenue should be guaranteed by contracting authority that pays them per mile operated and not ridership. Fares collected on buses should be passed on to contracting authority. This system would enable buses to run on schedule other than worrying about filling buses in order to break even.Companies should bid for routes on a competitive basis, stating fee per mile and frequency at different times of day, including peak and off peak. I am confident it can be done.Arthur Mulumba, Kampala, UgandaReaction to the story, "Cash-strapped firms fail to deliver new city buses” (Sunday Times, January 5)