Report reveals faults in districts’ service delivery

NORTHERN PROVINCE MUSANZE — A report into the districts’ service delivery to the people, has revealed that mediators commonly referred to as abunzi, extort money from citizens before handling their cases.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


MUSANZE — A report into the districts’ service delivery to the people, has revealed that mediators commonly referred to as abunzi, extort money from citizens before handling their cases.

The revelations are contained in a recent report of the Ombudsman, detailing the nature of corruption cases practiced in districts. The study was conducted in 16 districts of the country.

The Sectors cited in the report where mediators ask for bribes include Kivuluga, in Gakenke district and Shira, in Nyabihu district.

Discussing the report with Musanze district local leaders recently, the deputy Ombudsman, Augustin Nzindukiyimana warned against asking for bribes before delivering services.

Noting that corruption takes different form, Nzindukiyimana cited mal-administration, favoritism and misallocation of funds especially at grass root levels among the common cases.

Even improper recruitment of new workers by leaders is a manifestation of corruption, he said.

He advised district leaders to train village and Cell leaders on laws governing their work and their responsibilities.

He warned sector leaders against flaunting the tendering procedures and operating without work plans.

The districts were also asked to set up clear ways of controlling fuel, district property and to outline defined accountability for the revenue collected.

The official said that a toll-free telephone line will be established for people to always report corruption cases directly to the Auditor General’s office.
