Good move on regional security

Editor,The regional security initiative  by Rwanda, Kenya and Uganda is long overdue. You do not stop  for one who is not willing to start a journey on the sole reason that the journey maybe too long or too difficult.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Editor,The regional security initiative  by Rwanda, Kenya and Uganda is long overdue. You do not stop  for one who is not willing to start a journey on the sole reason that the journey maybe too long or too difficult. 

I commend the tireless efforts of our leaders to maintain security in the region. We the people are behind you. This is our countries’ time to move forward as a team and in good spirit of cooperation we have seen recently – and with speed.Dr Leo, London, United KingdomReactions to the story, "Regional security chiefs in Kigali to discuss pact” (The New Times, January 7)