Leon Mugesera should be deported

Dear editor, Following the deportation of Remy Malirangora, a Rwandan street gang member in Ottawa Canada a lot of dust has risen in Rwanda. Canada has tampered and opened a closet that has been closed for a very long time.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dear editor,

Following the deportation of Remy Malirangora, a Rwandan street gang member in Ottawa Canada a lot of dust has risen in Rwanda. Canada has tampered and opened a closet that has been closed for a very long time.

Rwanda in her hunt for the perpetrators of the genocide who are scattered all over the globe has now focused her attention on Canada.

I think this is the right time for Rwanda to press for the deportation of Leon Mugesera who is lounging and sun bathing in Canada.

The genocide perpetrators who are walking free especially Mugesera who is a high level criminal should be behind electrified iron bars in some dungeon very far away.

A person in authority who incites the public to kill innocent people needs to face the justice.

Canada should not resist deporting Mugesera because he surely deserves to face justice for the atrocities he committed to the nation of Rwanda.

Forgiveness is always available for those who repent; however, consequences of crimes committed have to be faced.

Leon Mugesera sowed seeds of discord and condemned the Tutsis death so he has to face justice and not walk freely in Canada. 
