Cindy McCain notices women emancipation in Rwanda

Dear editor, It is not surprising to see that even Cindy, noticed that women are developing at a very fast speed. Though some men are scared, I am not bothered so long as they do not do it at the expense of women.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dear editor,

It is not surprising to see that even Cindy, noticed that women are developing at a very fast speed. Though some men are scared, I am not bothered so long as they do not do it at the expense of women.

In addition, indeed, they are not. Otherwise, women in Rwanda have been empowered to the extent that the effect is now felt beyond the so-called high class.

They have been financed and given skills that allow them to create a number of money generating projects. I do not think that women in Rwanda still rely on men for survival any more.

You will find rural women busy weaving baskets in groups; dancing, farming, etcetera to earn money. This is what we call true emancipation-economic emancipation.
