Kayonza district officials launch exemplary hills

EASTERN PROVINCE KAYONZA — The district has launched exemplary hills locally known as ‘agasozi ndatwa’, to spearhead agricultural development.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


KAYONZA — The district has launched exemplary hills locally known as ‘agasozi ndatwa’, to spearhead agricultural development.

The hills were launched at New Life African Ministry’s conference hall last week, at a function attended by area local leaders. They include village, Cell, Sector and district leaders.

"Agasozi Ndatwa highlights developmental activities in place. They include best agricultural practices, cleanliness and proper hygiene, terraces, cattle rearing in kraals, good schools, electricity, decent housing and where all residents have health insurance,” Wilbert Usabyisa, an official of Rwanda Agriculture Development Authority (RADA) said. He explained that developmental activities on exemplary hills should speak volumes. 

Usabyisa said there is need to create sense of urgency and encourage local ownership of the challenge and set the solutions to it.

Augustine Munaba Sibomana, the district vice Mayor in charge of Economic Affairs appealed to grassroots leaders to encourage residents to feel a sense of ownership of the projects to reap the benefits. 

Sibomana appealed to the leaders to exploit the nature and terrain of the district and construct soil erosion contours as well as terraces in order to meet the deadline of controlling soil erosion.

Districts were given up to October 30 2008 to control loss of top soils. In a separate interview local leaders expressed optimism in realizing the goals of the exemplary hills.

"It is possible to achieve… in a short period of time as long as we feel the willingness to do so,” Elie Sekibibi, the executive secretary of Nyakanazi Cell in Mukarange Sector, said.

Sekibibi explained that things like hygiene, controlling soil erosion, having a vegetable garden around ones’ home, and land consolidation could be achieved in a short time.

"What I will do is to enlighten residents to speed up whatever activity they are doing and to double their efforts in order to develop very fast,” he said.
