The girl for you

Date a girl who quit trying to figure out who she is. A girl who knows her flaws, accepts them and works to improve. A girl who is aware of her capabilities and makes use of them selflessly. Date a girl who is comfortable in her own skin. A girl who is not only honest to the world but most importantly herself.

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Date a girl who quit trying to figure out who she is. A girl who knows her flaws, accepts them and works to improve. A girl who is aware of her capabilities and makes use of them selflessly. Date a girl who is comfortable in her own skin. A girl who is not only honest to the world but most importantly herself.

A girl who doesn’t worship trends and fashion statements. Rather than follow fads blindly she makes items look trendy. She goes for comfort and decency. Date a girl whose inner peace is not easily washed away by her surroundings. She is happy and has an infectious laughter. A girl who can replace negative chatter with positive thoughts. She realizes that pain may last an hour, a day or even a year but eventually subsides and something else takes its place.She believes that life is once and lives it up. She believes we are on Earth to have a good time. In the process of enjoying life she doesn’t shorten it. She knows that a good time is more than just flowing alcohol and loud music. A good time to her is not necessarily bought with large sums of money.Date a girl who realises that her thoughts are physical and keeps them positive. She decides what she wants, goes for it and protects it. She knows greatness is a choice and she chooses it. Date a girl who protects her dreams and doesn’t let people decide her fate by telling her what to do. She is unrealistic at times because she knows it’s the only way to growth. Even when the odds are stacked against her she finds a way in or out. She has a date with destiny and is not planning on canceling it.Date a girl who is not a religious fanatic. She knows the fine line between believer and fanatic. She respects other people’s religion and beliefs even when they do not make sense. She can sit with a nun or drink with an atheist without judging them for who they are.  Date a girl who doesn’t judge people simply by their appearance. She understands that human beings are complex and labels are inadequate and unfair. She is not easily deceived by money and appearance. She can smell bullshit a mile away. She can tell when an apology is sincere and when it’s an insult. Date a girl who knows no fear. She only fears fear itself. Her lack of courage is not out of ignorance but from passion. She can ignore if not silence the demons in her head.Date a girl who other than the sex of her babies leaves nothing to chance. She plans everything. She thinks ahead. She constantly seeks to be in control of her life and understands how powerless and vulnerable she is without control. Most of all date a girl who is a girl.