Every country should shoulder its responsibilities

Editor,Refer to the article “2013: A year of tensions, betrayals and courage” (The New Times, January 2).

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Editor,Refer to the article "2013: A year of tensions, betrayals and courage” (The New Times, January 2).I would like to add that, almost as if to definitely put the lie to the Western and Kinshasa’s perpetual excuse that the DRC’s self-inflicted mess is caused by its eastern neighbours (read Rwanda and Uganda), 2013 ended with a bizarre attempt by forces yet to be believably identified to "overthrow” President Joseph Kabila by reportedly simultaneous attacks of two military camps in Kinshasa, an attempt to "takeover” the DR Congo’s national radio and television, and similarly strategic sites in Lubumbashi and Kindu.Hundreds of the alleged assailants of a clearly unhinged would-be messiahs are reported to have been summarily killed by government troops. They are said to have been armed mostly with nothing deadlier than batons.Meantime, the UN-allied FARDC-FDLR and associated militias in Eastern DR Congo are continuing to sow death and destruction despite the end of the M23 rebellion, again putting the lie to the joint Kinshasa-Western-media driven narrative about the M23 being the source of the insecurity and mayhem in the Kivus.Mwene Kalinda, Kigali