At current pace, no doubt Rwanda will go places

Editor,I read with keen interest Sunny Ntayombya’s article, “I’m looking at my country through new eyes” (The New Times, January 1).

Thursday, January 02, 2014
ICT development has been a key element in Rwandau2019s growth in recent years. The New Times/ John Mbanda.

Editor,I read with keen interest Sunny Ntayombya’s article, "I’m looking at my country through new eyes” (The New Times, January 1).It is not an impossible dream to think of Rwanda as the "Singapore” of Africa.In terms of cleanliness, the City of Kigali is second to none.  While in Singapore a person is fined for littering and therefore it is the fear of the law that is the driving factor; in Rwanda it is a sense of responsibility and values that have been inculcated over time – there’s the monthly "Umuganda” programme introduced and spearheaded by the government, which instills in one and all a deep sense of pride in cleanliness.Where else in the world can one see a Head of State actually going out in the streets and doing community service sweating alongside the ordinary citizens? This is something we in India, and also people in many other countries, need to emulate.Just as Singapore is a great commercial hub in Asia, it is my firm belief and my prayer, too, that in the not too distant future Rwanda will become a great commercial hub on the African continent.As Rwanda gradually reduces the debt burden and encourages businesses from around the world to invest and participate in the country’s development process; there will be a steady flow of dreams turning into reality!Clarence Fernandes, Mumbai, India